Sunday, May 17, 2009

Corgis...and sleeping on your back

What is it with corgis! :)
They are always on their backs...and they often sleep in the oddest positions. I do love it when Bella rolls over on her back and stares at us upside down...its absolutely adorable. Does your corgi do this a lot?
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Esther said...

Winnie sleeps on her back all the time! The cutest thing is when she stretches her front paws while sleeping on her back :o)

Cathy Santarsiero, "The Christmas Corgi" said...

It is one of the cutest things about Corgis, dontcha think? Have a happy week.

Jenna Z said...

Upside down corgis are so adorable! Sully has drainage issues in his nose so he rarely goes on his back. When he does, for a belly rub or to scratch his back on the gravel driveway, he gets up and sneezes his head off. Poor little guy!

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

That's Bryson too! They just look so comfy when they sleep on their back :) I love playing with his "arms" when he's in that position!

CorgiTales said...

It's so cute and so signature Corgi! =)