Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sprint: Plug into Now!

This is one of the coolest things I've seen on the web lately. Click on the image above and it will take you to the site. They will give you every stat they could think of, ranging from how many babies are being born at this moment, to how much money is being spent online (in the US).

Check it out...it's pretty interesting!


Unknown said...

Wow! That really is cool. Thanks for sharing that.

The link implies it's a widget, can it be integrated into something somehow? Mind you, I wouldn't know which information to choose it to show if it were a widget on my blog, for example.

Unknown said...

Ohhh, it's an advert for mobile broadband!

Chantel said...

Hi gingerella!

It can be used as a widget, Im using it right now on my blog.

Just look for the "Get the Now widget" button in the middle of everything on that page. :-)

betty said...

that is a great site!!! I had fun looking around it; thanks for sharing it :)


Bobby Hamasaki said...

hm.. it's cool.. thx 4 sharing.. ow.. and u have cool blog over here..