Friday, January 9, 2009


Our friend is a professional photographer, and he joined us on boxing day for lunch. He whipped out his fancy camera & took some AMAZING photos.

This is me with my baby Bella :-)

Here is my boyfriend with Bella.

He took some amazing photos of our Beagle Liam. Pity Bella is camera shy...haha!
Hope you like them!


Kelly said...

Those are awesome! It's nice to be friends with professional photographers isn't it? My wedding photos were amazing AND dirt cheap because of that!

betty said...

you are a beautiful young woman Chantel! and your boyfriend handsome! I enjoyed all these pictures so much but my favorite was the first one with you and Bella; such a great shot!


Cathy Santarsiero, "The Christmas Corgi" said...

The photos are fantastic!

Freya's Human said...

I love those photos!